What's causing ng-show to malfunction in IE11 on AngularJS?

I am experiencing a strange issue with my code - ng-show works perfectly fine on Firefox, but not on IE 11.

<div ng-show="isExist" class="panel panel-default">

Here is the relevant code snippet from the controller:

$scope.isExist = false;

   $scope.isExist = true;


Despite setting $scope.isExist to false and expecting the Div to be hidden in Firefox and Chrome, it remains visible in IE 11.

Answer №1

Wondering about CSS? When using ng-show, keep in mind it will apply the .ng-hide class to the element. Take a closer look at your panel and panel-default classes to prevent any style conflicts.

An alternative solution would be to eliminate the panel and panel-default classes for smoother functionality.

Answer №2

Apologies everyone. It was acting strange for a while, but now it seems to be functioning properly. I've cleared the cache multiple times so I don't believe that was the issue. Not sure what caused the problem initially, but it appears to be resolved now. Thank you for your assistance.

Answer №3

I encountered the same issue with ng-show not functioning correctly in Internet Explorer.

The official ngShow AngularJS documentation addresses this issue and offers several solutions.

(In case the link expires or is inaccessible, I will provide the text from that source)

When using ngShow and/or ngHide to toggle between elements, both the element to show and the element to hide may briefly be visible simultaneously.

This occurs frequently when the ngAnimate module is present without actual animations defined for ngShow/ngHide. Internet Explorer is particularly susceptible to this issue.

There are multiple ways to address this problem:

  • Disable animations on the affected elements.
  • Utilize ngIf or ngSwitch instead of ngShow/ngHide.
  • Use the specific CSS selector ng-hide.ng-hide-animate to apply {display: none} or similar to the affected elements.
  • Employ
    ng-class="{'ng-hide': expression}
    in place of ngShow/ngHide.
  • Define an animation for the impacted elements.

The second recommendation (substituting ng-show with ng-if) proved effective for me. Therefore, in your scenario, you may want to consider utilizing the following -

<div ng-if="isExist" class="panel panel-default">

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