What is the best way to choose elements that are not followed by a specific element?

My HTML structure consists of repeating pairs of img and p tags. Often, the img tag is missing from the sequence.


I want to target all p tags that do not immediately follow an img tag.

Currently, I know how to select p tags that are preceded by img:

img + p {}

How can I achieve the opposite? How can I select p tags that do not come after img in the HTML structure?

Answer №1

To tackle the absence of a "previous sibling" selector, one approach is to style your regular p elements and then override the styles for those that come after an img.

A more efficient method would be to enclose this in a container so that you're only targeting specific p elements instead of all of them throughout the page.

.container > p {
  color: red;

.container > img + p {
  color: black;

img { display: none; } img, p { margin: 0; }
<div class="container">
    <img />
    <p>This is preceded by img</p>
    <img />
    <p>This is preceded by img</p>
    <img />
    <p>This is preceded by img</p>
    <p>This is not preceded by img</p>
    <p>This is not preceded by img</p>
    <img />
    <p>This is preceded by img</p>

Answer №2

Up to this moment when I am composing this response, the CSS language does not offer a selector for targeting the previous element.

In your situation, as a temporary solution, let's assume that these p and img elements are enclosed within a container with the class div.wrapper, you can experiment with the following code:

.wrapper > img + p ~ p {
   color: red;
.wrapper > img + p {
   color: black !important;
    <div class="wrapper">
<img style="height:20px;display:block;" src="http://via.placeholder.com/350x250" />
<img style="height:20px;display:block;" src="http://via.placeholder.com/350x250" />
<img style="height:20px;display:block;" src="http://via.placeholder.com/350x250" />

I trust this information will be of assistance to you.

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