Using the jquery stop() function will halt any ongoing hover effects from being applied

I am currently experiencing a problem with the code found on

This specific code pertains to a menu system that reveals second levels when hovering over the top levels, using slideDown('slow').

To prevent queuing effects, I have implemented stop(true, false).

The issue arises when hovering over it again, as the animation only resumes from where it was previously stopped.

Answer №1

If you want to eliminate the queuing issue, simply modify your slideDown selector by using ul:not(:animated).

Answer №3

Simply put, when dealing with a slide effect like this, you cannot use .stop(true, false) because it will not go all the way. Instead, you must utilize .stop(true, true) to ensure that the animation reaches its full height. Otherwise, the previous height reached will be retained (not the original value) and that will be the target for the next animation.

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