Display additional tiles within a compact container

I'm attempting to replicate the user interface used by foursquare! Positioning the map slightly off center like they have .
I've figured out how to do one part but struggling with the second part.
Initially, I loaded the map in a small div (the one containing markers), and using overflow:visible, more tiles would fill the parent div with a width:100%.
Now my challenge is that only a few tiles display when using overflow:visible.
So, my question is: How can I load additional tiles into the small div?
The image below illustrates how tiles don't completely fill the container. Thank you.


This is the complete map displayed on foursquare's homepage known as the map of tips. BUT this map is visible because the container has overflow:visible. if it was hidden, you'd see:

due to the limited size of the 600px div.

Answer №1

If you're interested in learning more about this topic, there is a fantastic tutorial/article on A List Apart by Young Hahn from Mapbox. You can check it out here: . Additionally, the end result can be seen here: . While the tutorial uses Mapbox, which is an extension of Leaflet, the techniques discussed can also be applied to Leaflet. The tutorial involves using a wrapper around the map element and employing relative and absolute positioning:

#pane {
#map  {

For a hands-on demonstration with Leaflet, you can try this testcase on Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/vkTvRi?p=preview

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