What is the best way for Selenium in C# to identify and locate a specific span element by its value

I've been experimenting with different locators, but I'm struggling to find a straightforward solution for identifying the dynamic number within this span using C# Selenium. Initially, my focus is just on locating the span itself.

<span inventory="Livecount">129</span>

Every time I attempt to locate the element, I receive a NoSuchElement exception, indicating that it cannot be found.

One additional piece of context: The span and its associated number are contained within a widget which I can successfully identify. However, the widget lacks a unique class or ID, so my only reliable method of locating it is through FindElement(By.TagName("inventorySearch")), which has been effective. If there was a way to use a CSS selector to start at the widget element (the parent) and then navigate down to the enclosed span (since each instance only contains one span), my issue would be resolved. My challenge lies in not knowing how to specify a tagname within a CSS selector in C# Selenium - similar to how classes and IDs utilize symbols like . and #. Is there an equivalent for tagnames in C# Selenium? Thank you.

Answer №1

For locating a <span> element with the text '129 using XPath, you can use the following expression:


If there is a possibility that the number may change, you can also consider targeting the <span> where the inventory attribute is set to 'Livecount':

CSS Selector:




To implement this in your code:


In your previous query, you asked about using a CSS selector with a custom tag name, which is indeed achievable.

Assuming the HTML structure is as follows:

    <span inventory="Livecount">129</span>

To select the <span> within the <inventorySearch> block, you can utilize the following CSS selector:

inventorySearch > span

Answer №2

Applying CSS can achieve the same result as well

The JQuery library includes a :contains pseudo selector feature

For example, you can use a span element with the text '129': span:contains('129')

To enable this functionality, you will require the Selenium NuGet Support Package.

Simply run the command Install-Package Selenium.WebDriver.Extensions to install it

This package enables access to the Sizzle JQuery Selector Engine, allowing for support of pseudo selectors

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