"What are some creative ways to customize the appearance of a Material-UI Select-field Dropdown menu

I am currently utilizing the material-ui select-field component.

   hintText="Checkbox Filters"
     iconButton:<ActionHome />,
   hintStyle={{bottom:'13px', overflow: 'hidden',  whiteSpace: 'nowrap', textOverflow: 'ellipsis', width: 
   'calc(100% - 40px)', color: '#757575', fontWeight: 500}}
   labelStyle={{top: 0, paddingRight: 40, height: 48, lineHeight: '48px'}}
   iconStyle={{top: 2,right: 10, fill: '#757575', width: 44, height: 44}}
   style={{maxWidth: '200px', minWidth: 200, width: 'auto', lineHeight: '22px', height: 48, fontSize: 
       leftCheckbox={<Checkbox />}
       primaryText="Project 1"
       innerDivStyle={{fontSize: 14, paddingLeft: 60}}/>
       leftCheckbox={<Checkbox />}
       primaryText="Project 2"
       innerDivStyle={{fontSize: 14, paddingLeft: 60}}/>
       leftCheckbox={<Checkbox />}
       primaryText="Project 3"
       innerDivStyle={{fontSize: 14, paddingLeft: 60}}/>

However, the display is not as expected.

I would like to achieve this appearance instead:

Please provide guidance on styling the dropdown menu accordingly

Answer №1

From what I gather from your inquiry, it seems like you are seeking

anchorOrigin={{vertical: 'bottom', horizontal: 'left'}}

In relation to the MenuDropDropdown widget

Answer №2

The standard operation of the Material UI select field is to display this way, but you have the power to customize it

.custom-select-panel {
    margin-top: 36px;//Adjust according to your select box height

Add !important if necessary for overriding other styles

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