Utilizing an external SCSS or CSS file with Material UI in React: A step-by-step guide

Encountering issues with external CSS files in my React project that uses Material UI components. Despite creating a CSS file for each component in the react components folder, they fail to load upon hard reloading the site.

I prefer using external CSS over styled components or Material UI style syntax.

Answer №1

To include the css / scss file in your component, ensure that you have included the necessary classes for each element.

Answer №2

If you're in need of a more versatile alternative, consider importing your style.css file directly into your main App.jsx (assuming it's named "App.jsx"). This way, you can simply utilize the className attribute and tap into your CSS styles.

App.jsx example

import './style.css'; // Specify the path to your style.css file    

function App() {
  return (
    <div>React application</div>

export default App;

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