scrapy css last-child selector unable to target text

I am currently facing a challenge in selecting and matching elements within an HTML document using CSS selectors in the Scrapy framework. My issue lies with extracting information from a specific field using the last-child selector.

Below is the snippet of HTML code:

<td class="Table-Standard-AwardName Table-Scholarship-AwardName">

<a id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ScholarshipDataControl_grvScholarshipSearch_ctl02_hylScholarshipName" class="bold" href="/Scholarships/14123/Family-Bursary,-The">Family Bursary, The</a>   


<span>Field of Study:</span> 

EcologyEnvironmental Science


The text "EcologyEnvironmental Science" is what I am trying to match. However, when I attempt to use the last-child selector, the output only displays 'Field of Study':

In [3]: response.css('td.Table-Standard-AwardName.Table-Scholarship-AwardName > *:last-child::text').extract_first()
Out[3]: 'Field of Study:'

Despite experimenting with different methods like nth-last-child() and combining sibling selectors, I have been unable to achieve the desired result. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

As previously mentioned, the content within the EcologyEnvironmental Science text is located within the td element. Therefore, you can simply extract its text using the following method:

values = response.css('.Table-Standard-AwardName.Table-Scholarship-AwardName::text').extract()
out = next(filter(None, map(methodcaller('strip'), values)))
# In your item assignment, consider setting the value to 'EcologyEnvironmental Science'

Answer №2

"EcologyEnvironmental Science" is not a stand-alone element such as a span or div; rather, it is simply part of the content within that td. Therefore, it does not meet the criteria outlined in the condition '... > * ...' which specifies any direct child of the td with that class.

In order to target only that specific portion of the content using CSS, it would need to be enclosed within a span element like this:

  <span>Field of Study:</span> 
  <span>EcologyEnvironmental Science</span>

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