Can curly braces be utilized in the style section of Vue.js?

Can I utilize curly braces in the style section of vue.js to set a value?

For instance

.container {
  background: url({{ image-url }};
  color: {{ color-1 }}

Answer №1

Check out this innovative feature that allows you to bind CSS variables from the script. Give it a go with the following code snippet:

  <div class="text">Lorem ipsum</div>

import {ref} from 'vue'
export default {
  setup() {
    const color = ref('blue');
    const image = ref('url(');
    return {color}

<style vars="{ color, image }">
.text {
  color: var(--color);
  background-image: var(--image);

Alternatively, explore the new v-bind() injection method.

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