Can you provide me with a comprehensive list of all the colors available in Twitter Bootstrap 3?

I've integrated the twitter bootstrap sass gem, which is supposed to be the latest version of twitter bootstrap 3.0.3. I'm trying to customize the colors using the 'customize' section of the LESS variables, but I can't seem to find too many color options. How can I access a complete list of colors provided by bootstrap 3?

For instance, when I search for the color blue on the bootstrap 3 documentation, no relevant information comes up. However, if I do the same search on the bootstrap 2 documentation, it does show the color blue option.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

Answer №1

In order to be more semantic, the developers have moved away from naming classes or variables based on appearance and instead focus on functionality in release 3. For example, @Blue may now be called @btn-default-color.

This approach is beneficial in the long term as changes in implementation might result in the color being different than blue, rendering the original name inaccurate. However, this can pose a challenge for those unfamiliar with color hex codes.

To address this issue, users can right-click on the color they see in a modern browser, select "inspect element", find the color code in the CSS code displayed on the right-hand side, and then refer to the documentation by searching for that specific color code.

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