Strategies for identifying CSS properties within a div element

I am attempting to identify the CSS property display of a div. If it is set to display:block, I want to change the icon to -. If it is set to display:none, I want to change the icon to +.

I have tried using the following code but it does not seem to work:

if($('#ceo').css('display') == 'none'){ 
    $("#button img").css({top:"-18px"});
} else {
    $("#button img").css({top:"9px"});

My goal is to create a collapsible tree structure. Here is my Fiddle

Answer №1

I have implemented significant changes and revised some of the code. It appears to be working well now: Check out the demo on jsfiddle

function adjustPosition(element, direction) {
    var value;
    if (direction == 1) {
        value = "9px";
    } else {
        value = "-18px";
    $("img", element).stop().animate({
        top: value
    }, {
        queue: false,
        duration: 200

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#button").click(function () {
        // Check if #ceo display:block, set image position accordingly
        if ($('#ceo').css('display') == 'none') {
            adjustPosition($("#button"), 1);
        } else {
            adjustPosition($("#button"), 2);
        $("#ceo").fadeToggle("fast", "linear");
        $("#button2").fadeToggle("fast", "linear");

    $("#button2").click(function () {
        if ($('#division').css('display') == 'none') {
            adjustPosition($("#button2"), 1);
        } else {
            adjustPosition($("#button2"), 2);
        $("#division").fadeToggle("fast", "linear");

Answer №2

In my personal experience, I find myself struggling with JavaScript. While the code I currently have in is functional, I believe there is room for improvement:


        // Check if #ceo display:block, set image to minus
        if($('#ceo').css('display') == 'none'){ 
            $("img", this).stop().animate({top:"9px"},{queue:false,duration:200});
        } else {
            $("img", this).stop().animate({top:"-18px"},{queue:false,duration:200});

        $("#ceo").fadeToggle("fast", "linear");
        $("#button2").fadeToggle("fast", "linear");

        if ($("#division").css('display') == 'none') {
            $("img", this).stop().animate({top:"9px"},{queue:false,duration:200});
        } else {
            $("img", this).stop().animate({top:"-18px"},{queue:false,duration:200});                    

        $("#division").fadeToggle("fast", "linear");


Answer №3

To obtain the true display value, you can utilize computed style.

window.getComputedStyle( document.getElementById("#ceo"), null).getPropertyValue("display")

Using $('#ceo').css('display') will only reveal the inline style display value.

Answer №4

Here is a snippet of JavaScript code that you can experiment with:

function swapImage()
if (element.src.match("maximze_icon"))
var state = 'block';

function toggleDisplay(layer_ref) {

if (state == 'block') {
state = 'none';
else {
state = 'block';
if (document.all) { // For IE versions less than 7
eval( "document.all." + layer_ref + ".style.display = state");
if (document.layers) { // For Netscape Navigator 4 or lower
document.layers[layer_ref].display = state;
if (document.getElementById &&!document.all) {
hza = document.getElementById(layer_ref); = state;

Feel free to use the HTML code below in your project:

<img id="myimage" onclick="toggleDisplay('div1'); swapImage()" src="images/minimize_icon.gif"><a href="#" onclick="toggleDisplay('div1'); swapImage()">Click Me</a>

Answer №5

Here is a potential solution for you:

        $("img", this).stop().animate({top:"9px"},{queue:false,duration:200});
    }, function() {
        $("img", this).stop().animate({top:"-18px"},{queue:false,duration:200});


        // Check if #ceo display:block, set image to minus
        if($('#ceo').css('display') == 'none'){ 
            $("#button img").css({top:"9px"});
        } else {
            $("#button img").css({top:"-18px"});

        $("#ceo").fadeToggle("fast", "linear");
        $("#button2").fadeToggle("fast", "linear");

        $("#division").fadeToggle("fast", "linear");

Try out the demo here>>

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