What is causing the failure of these "span" elements within an "a" tag in IE7?

Here is a code snippet that I am working with:

HTML (version 4.0)

<div class="temperatura">
    <a href="/link/" class="temperatura_localita">
        <span style="padding-left:12px;">
    <a href="/link/" class="temperatura_dettagli">
        <span style="padding-right:70px;">            

CSS (version 2)




I am looking to achieve the following:

  • The container temperatura should be linked to /link/;
  • Each a element should take up 50% of the width, and have padding either on the left or right side;

Everything seems to work fine on Firefox, Chrome, IE8, and IE9. However, when testing on IE7 by resizing the window horizontally, the second link wraps to a new line.

Why is this happening and how can I resolve it?

Answer №1

It appears that the 50%/50% division is causing this issue. IE7 seems to be moving the second link to a new line when the pixel count of the div is odd, but keeping it in the correct position when it's even. Switching both widths to 49% resolves the problem.

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