Creating a Full Height Background Image with a Responsive Width Using Jquery

I am facing an issue with my background image dimensions of 1400 in height and 1000 in width. When using any full-screen background jQuery plugin or code, the image crops from either the top or bottom to fit the entire screen. However, I am looking for a solution where the background image remains responsive based on the browser's width while ensuring that the full height of the image is visible with a scroll bar. Currently, it cuts off the height from both the top and bottom.

If achieving this is not possible, I would like the cropping to only occur at the bottom to maintain the aspect ratio.

Answer №1

  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  background-position: top center;
  background-size: cover;

By setting the background-size property to cover, the image will be cropped at the bottom while covering the entire element.

Check out a demo here:

If you want to maintain 100% height and crop the width, simply adjust the background-size parameter to auto 100%.

See the demonstration here:

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