I am curious to know when the w3specs will support colors in 12 bits instead of the current 8-bit format used for webcolors like sRGB (#FFFFFF or rgba(255,0,0,100).
I wonder if there will ever be a new standard called 12-Bit sRGB where colors can be defined differently such as X#FFF FFF FFF instead of #FF FF FF and Xrgba(255*16,0,0,100) instead of rgba(255,0,0,100).
Supporting only 10 bits (as required by upcoming displays) seems challenging due to the limitation of the 8+2 bit format. For example, the color white would be represented as #8FF which is not aesthetically pleasing.
I have tried looking for this information in a w3Spec but haven't had any luck so far. Can anyone provide me with a link to the appropriate w3Spec or Working Group?
Why do I need this?
- I want to enhance the canvas element to support 10/12-bit colors for various web applications like photo editing and 3D games. It would also be beneficial for websites to use 12-bit colors in PNG files or achieve seamless color transitions.