Enable the text to wrap around an interactive object that the user can freely manipulate

Looking for a solution where I can have a floating div that can be moved up and down using javascript while the text wraps around it seamlessly.

Similar to how an object positioned in a word document behaves, I want the text to flow around the div both above and below it as needed.

After some research, it seems that achieving this effect is only possible if the div is contained within the same parent element as the text. Moving the div up and down would involve repositioning it within the text itself, such as moving a sentence from behind to in front of the div.

Attempts like using top margin only extend the block the text wraps around, while using position relative results in the text flowing around the div's original position and the div overlapping the text. This makes it challenging to achieve the desired outcome.

Are there any HTML/CSS techniques or plugins available that could help achieve this effect as described?

Thank you.

Answer №1

Marcel's suggestion is quite intriguing, actually.

I may feel inclined to tweak it slightly to get a close approximation, as it is straightforward and takes you part of the way there.

Check out the link here

var img = $('#whale');
var nextP = img.next();
var previousP = img.prev();

$('#move-down').click(function() {
    nextP = img.next();

$('#move-up').click(function() {
    previousP = img.prev();

The code essentially involves moving the image between the paragraphs. In the fiddle, I also floated the image to give it a somewhat expected appearance. :)

Answer №2

I worked on a solution that involves moving an element through text by checking offsetTop to detect when it moves to a new line (I focused on downward motion only). My intention was to further develop this to handle multiple calls when dragging an element, but the complexity increased as it would require accounting for nested elements. Since it seems that HTML will eventually support this functionality, I have decided to accept Tom's solution.

function down(el) {
    var parentDiv = el.parentNode;
    var next = el.nextSibling;
    var prev = el.previousSibling;
    var match, word;

    var offset = el.offsetTop;

    while ((match = /^\s*\S+\s*/.exec(next.nodeValue)) !== null && el.offsetTop === offset) {
    word = match[0];

    if (prev === null) {
        prev = parentDiv.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(''), el);

    prev.nodeValue += word;
    next.nodeValue = next.nodeValue.substring(word.length);

    if (el.offsetTop !== offset) {

    var nextDiv = findNextDiv(parentDiv);

    if (nextDiv === null) {


    if (nextDiv.firstChild === null) {
    else {
    nextDiv.insertBefore(el, nextDiv.firstChild);
    if (el.offsetTop === offset) {

function findNextDiv(el) {
    var next;
    while ((next = el.nextSibling) !== null) {
    if (next.tagName === 'DIV') {
        return next;
    el = next;
    return null;

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