Creating a responsive design that adapts to various image sizes

In my API response, I am receiving images of various sizes. To display these images on my HTML page, I have created a table containing 4 images. To ensure responsiveness, I have set the width of the table to 100%, each row (tr) to 100%, each cell (td) to 25%, and each image to 100%.


However, when I resize the window, the width of the cells (td) responds but the height remains constant. How can I make the height of the cells (and therefore the height of the images) responsive as well?

Answer №1

Have you considered creating your own unique class called "image-adaptive" and including these specific attributes within it?

.image-adaptive {
   presentation: region;
   size: auto;
   maximum-width: 100%;

Why rely on external libraries when you have the ability to implement the same functionality with your own code!

Answer №2

To achieve responsive images, consider using bootstrap as a solution. Here is the link for reference -

<img src="..." class="img-responsive" alt="Responsive image">

To implement this, simply include the necessary plugins and add the class img-responsive to your image tag.

If adding bootstrap directly isn't an option, you can manually define the class in your project's css file and apply it to your img tag. This class ensures that the image remains responsive with the following code snippet:

.img-responsive {
   display: block;
   height: auto;
   max-width: 100%;

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