What is the best way to add color to the bottle's outline using clipPath?

How do I fill the background inside a bottle image with color?

I have the coordinates for filling the bottle, but the background inside remains unfilled.

.item {
  width: 150px;
  height: 150px;

#tubeLiquid {
  background-color: #74ccf4;
  clip-path: polygon(45% 19%, 41% 22%, 41% 29%, 41% 36%, 41% 43%, 41% 50%, 41% 57%, 41% 63%, 41% 70%, 41% 77%, 41% 83%, 41% 90%, 43% 93%, 50% 92%, 56% 93%, 60% 88%, 59% 81%, 60% 75%, 60% 68%, 60% 61%, 59% 55%, 59% 48%, 59% 42%, 59% 35%, 59% 29%, 58% 23%, 54% 19%);

  background-color: #FFFFFF;
  clip-path: polygon(45% 19%, 41% 22%, 41% 29%, 41% 36%, 41% 43%, 41% 50%, 41% 57%, 41% 63%, 41% 70%, 41% 77%, 41% 83%, 41% 90%, 43% 93%, 50% 92%, 56% 93%, 60% 88%, 59% 81%, 60% 75%, 60% 68%, 60% 61%, 59% 55%, 59% 48%, 59% 42%, 59% 35%, 59% 29%, 58% 23%, 54% 19%);
<div class="item">
  <svg viewBox="0 0 300 300">
      <mask id="bottleMask"></mask>
    <g id="maskedLiquid" mask="url(#bottleMask)">
      <path id="tubeLiquid" fill="#74ccf4"></path>

Answer №1

Additional <mask> is not necessary.
Consider utilizing a rounded <rect> as the clip-path due to the bottle's shape:

waterLevel.addEventListener('input', e => {
  let value = +e.currentTarget.value
  tubeLiquid.setAttribute('stroke-dasharray', `${value} 100`)
svg {
  width: 20%;
<h3>Establish clip-path</h3>
<svg viewBox="0 0 300 300">
    <image width="300" href="https://i.ibb.co/Mhfwtxp/image-removebg-preview-1.png" />
    <!-- test clip path -->
    <rect x="115" y="55" width="69" height="235" rx="20" ry="20" fill="red" />

<h3>Outline liquid fill level</h3>
<svg viewBox="0 0 300 300">
    <image width="300" href="https://i.ibb.co/Mhfwtxp/image-removebg-preview-1.png" />
    <line x1="149.5" y1="290" x2="149.5" y2="50" stroke="green" stroke-width="70" />

<h3>Apply clip path</h3>
<p><input type="range" min="0" max="100" value="100" id="waterLevel" name="water-level" /></p>
<svg viewBox="0 0 300 300">
    <clipPath id="clip">
          <rect x="115" y="55" width="69" height="235" rx="20" ry="20" fill="red" />
    <image width="300" href="https://i.ibb.co/Mhfwtxp/image-removebg-preview-1.png" />
    <line id="tubeLiquid" clip-path="url(#clip)" pathLength="100" stroke-dasharray="100 100" x1="149.5" y1="290" x2="149.5" y2="50" stroke="#74ccf4" stroke-width="80" />

Begin by designing your clip-path and fill-scale/progress bar shapes first – without applying any clipping – to determine the correct coordinates and dimensions.

Then, proceed with applying the clip-path.
For the "tubeLiquid" element, I chose to use a <line> element which allows setting the pathLength attribute to 100.

To modify the current fill value, simply update the stroke-dasharray attribute:

// display 100 %
stroke-dasharray="100 100"

// display 50 %
stroke-dasharray="50 100"

This method is commonly used for various types of dynamic gauges/progress bars or animated pie charts, as demonstrated in examples on SO like "Set svg progress bar percentage in javascript"

Answer №2

The solution that caught my attention is this one where the bottle was not filled entirely, instead, some coordinates in polygons were adjusted. Unfortunately, I lack knowledge about shapes and polygons to make further changes.

.item {
  width: 150px;
  height: 150px;

#tubeLiquid {
  background-color: #74ccf4;
  clip-path: polygon(45% 19%, 41% 22%, 41% 29%, 41% 36%, 41% 43%, 41% 50%, 41% 57%, 41% 63%, 41% 70%, 41% 77%, 41% 83%, 41% 90%, 43% 93%, 50% 92%, 56% 93%, 60% 88%, 59% 81%, 60% 75%, 60% 68%, 60% 61%, 59% 55%, 59% 48%, 59% 42%, 59% 35%, 59% 29%, 58% 23%, 54% 19%);

  background-color: #FFFFFF;
  clip-path: polygon(45% 19%, 41% 22%, 41% 29%, 41% 36%, 41% 43%, 41% 50%, 41% 57%, 41% 63%, 41% 70%, 41% 77%, 41% 83%, 41% 90%, 43% 93%, 50% 92%, 56% 93%, 60% 88%, 59% 81%, 60% 75%, 60% 68%, 60% 61%, 59% 55%, 59% 48%, 59% 42%, 59% 35%, 59% 29%, 58% 23%, 54% 19&);

<div class="item">
  <svg viewBox="0 0 300 300">
      <mask id="bottleMask" fill="white">
        <path d="M0,0h300v300H0V0z M89,68h122v147H89V68z">
      <clipPath id="liquidClip">
        <path d="M89,68h122v147H89V68z">
    <image width="300" xlink:href="https://i.ibb.co/Mhfwtxp/image-removebg-preview-1.png">
    <path id="tubeLiquid" fill="#74ccf4" d="M0,0h300v300H0V0z" clip-path="url(#liquidClip)&qupt mask="url(#bottleMask)"/>

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