challenges arising from using the css overflow: hidden attribute

Struggling with a popup displaying issue caused by an overflow: hidden property on the containing div. The background graphics of the popup are crossing over due to this setting, leading to a display problem where the width is cut off at the overflow boundary. Any solutions or workarounds for this?

Thank you in advance!


Answer №1

To ensure the popup appears on top of your website, insert it after the main markup just before the closing <body> tag. Utilize appropriate language to position it where desired when it pops up.

If you are utilizing jQuery, this process should be quite simple.

For example:

<div id="main-website-with-overflow-hidden>
      <!-- Content of the webpage -->

<div id="popup">
      <!-- Popup content -->

Answer №2

If you don't mind scroll bars, experiment with the following CSS for your container element:

.containerElement {
    overflow: auto;

If you prefer either vertical or horizontal scrolling only, consider using:

 .containerElement {
        overflow-y: auto;
        overflow-x: auto;

Answer №3

Ensure that the pop-up div has a greater z-index value compared to the container div

div#popup{z-index: 10;}

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