Adjusting a Form Input Field

There seems to be an issue with the text alignment in my submission form input field, as the text appears a few pixels too low. This is causing certain letters like y, q, and j to bleed below the box in Chrome and only partially show in IE 8. To fix this problem, I need the text to display slightly higher in the input field, or adjust the height of the input field itself.

Does anyone know how I could achieve either of these solutions?

Thank you in advance,


The code snippet for the input field:

<div class="submissionfield"><input class="checkMax3" name="title" type="title" id="title" maxlength="80"></div>

The corresponding CSS:

    text-align: left;
    font-family: "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    font-size: 22px;

Answer №1

To enhance the readability, consider setting the line-height to 150% in the input field.

Answer №2

To style the input field with CSS, there are various methods you can use:

input#username {
    /* Add styles here */

.formfield input {
    /* Add styles here */

.formfield input#email {
    /* Add styles here */

You could consider adding some padding to the bottom of the input field or adjusting the line-height for better appearance.

Answer №3

The issue you mentioned doesn't seem to be apparent with the provided code... could there be additional styles specified in your webpage?

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