jQuery image resizing for elements

I have successfully adjusted the images in the gallery to display one per row for horizontal orientation and two per row for vertical orientation.

Now, I am facing a challenge in making the images scalable so they can resize dynamically with the window. Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

Below is the code snippet:

var gallery = new Gallery($('#gallery_images_inner'));

function Gallery(selector){

this.add_module = function(type, image){
    var container = $('<div />' , {
        'class' : 'gallery_container'
    if(type == 'horizontal'){
        var h_ar = image.attr('height') / image.attr('width');
            'width' : selector.width(),
            'height' : selector.width()*h_ar
    if(type == 'vertical'){
            'width' : v_width,
            'height' : v_height
var _this = this;
var gutter = 0;
// initializing variables for counting vertical images
var v_counter = 0;
var w_pxls = 0;
var h_pxls = 0;
// looping through images to identify vertical ones
    if($(this).attr('width') < $(this).attr('height')){
        h_pxls += $(this).attr('height');
        w_pxls += $(this).attr('width');
// calculating average aspect ratio for vertical images (any deviations will be cropped)
var h_avrg = Math.floor(h_pxls/v_counter);
var w_avrg = Math.floor(w_pxls/v_counter);
var v_ar = h_avrg/w_avrg;
var v_width = (selector.width())/2;
var v_height = v_width*v_ar;
    if(parseInt($(this).attr('width')) > parseInt($(this).attr('height'))){
        _this.add_module('horizontal', $(this));
        _this.add_module('vertical', $(this));
    masonry: {
        columnWidth: selector.width() / 2


Answer №1

Employ percentages for the container that holds the image, adjusting both its width and height accordingly. Additionally, apply a percentage value to the image's width and height relative to its container, ensuring it is proportional.

Answer №2

CSS would be a more effective solution for this issue. By simply setting the image width to 100%, it will automatically adjust its size according to its parent container. In the provided example, the .container occupies 25% of the window and the image fills up 100% of that space. You can use tools like firebug to experiment with changing the width of the container and observe the impact.

<DOCTYPE html>
        .container {
            width: 25%;
        .container img {
            width: 100%;

    <div class="container">
        <img src="http://ldlocal.web44.net/test2/img/gallery0.jpg">


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