Currently, I am utilizing an expression
{% assign mypages = site.pages | sort: "order" %} {% for page in
mypages %}
{% unless page.exclude %}
<a href="{{page.url|absolute_url}}"> {{ page.shortname }} <span
class="rate">{% include indexmod.html %}</a></span> <span class="rex">
| </span>
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
in the layout, but I am experiencing an issue where style.css is being mistaken as a Jekyll Page.
I have attempted various techniques from a discussion on GitHub titled "/css/main.css considered as a Jekyll:Page? #3151", however, none of them seem to work. At times, I have had to remove all styles completely.
Please provide guidance on how to ensure that the styles function correctly without being generated as a link to a Jekyll Page.