What is a solution to prevent style.css from being recognized as the Jekyll Page?

Currently, I am utilizing an expression

{% assign mypages = site.pages | sort: "order" %} {% for page in 
mypages %}
{% unless page.exclude %}

<a href="{{page.url|absolute_url}}"> {{ page.shortname }} <span 
class="rate">{% include indexmod.html %}</a></span> <span class="rex"> 
| </span>
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}

in the layout, but I am experiencing an issue where style.css is being mistaken as a Jekyll Page.

I have attempted various techniques from a discussion on GitHub titled "/css/main.css considered as a Jekyll:Page? #3151", however, none of them seem to work. At times, I have had to remove all styles completely.

Please provide guidance on how to ensure that the styles function correctly without being generated as a link to a Jekyll Page.

Answer №1

For optimal results, it is advised to utilize site.html_pages in place of site.pages. This way, only pages that produce output in the form of .html will be included, omitting pages like style.css. Both options can be found listed here:

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