Tips for positioning label/input box/button on Internet Explorer 7

Here is a Fiddle example you can check out, along with the corresponding code :

<div class="menu-alto">
            <a title="Link" href="#">Link</a>

        <li class="newsletter">
            <a title="Newsletter" href="#">Newsletter</a>
        <li class="last">
            <label style="color:#99cc00">search&nbsp;</label>
            <input type="text" style="width:116px;" />
            <input type="submit" style="width:40px;" class="button" value="GO" />

.menu-alto ul

.menu-alto li

.menu-alto li a:link,
.menu-alto li a:visited

.menu-alto li a:hover

.menu-alto .last

.menu-alto .button

On Internet Explorer 7, there seems to be an alignment issue with the label containing the text SEARCH, and on Chrome, the button appears misaligned. How should I go about fixing this?

Answer №1

For perfect vertical alignment, apply vertical-align:middle; to all child elements within the <ul> instead of relying on relative positioning.

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