Checking if children have certain text using jQuery

My task involves filtering an HTML table. In order to accomplish this, I have created an 'each' callback for all 'tr' elements and check if any of their children contain a specific pattern.

$("#filter").keypress(function() {
    var filter = $(this).val();

    $("#table1 tr[data-config]").each(function(){

        var val = $(this).find(":contains('" + filter + "')");

        if(val.length > 0){

The current method works well, but I'm wondering if there is a function that can directly test if an element contains certain text?

Currently, I am retrieving a list of all elements with the pattern and checking if the count is greater than zero. Is there a jQuery function that can efficiently determine if the pattern exists and return a boolean value? Since the table may have numerous rows, I aim to minimize unnecessary overhead.

Answer №1

///// substitute these lines...
// var val = $(this).find(":contains('" + filter + "')");
// if(val.length > 0){

///// with this line

This method involves converting the entire row content into a text string, followed by a basic string comparison operation to determine if the filter is present within the text (and consequently the row)

Answer №2

Discover a simpler method with the use of :contains

Here is a general approach:

$(".class:contains('texttofind')").css("display", "none");

For the specific example provided earlier, follow this format:

$("#table1 tr[data-config]:contains('" + filter + "')").css("display","table-row");

Learn more about it here:

This eliminates the need for using .each or .find.

Answer №3

To change a case-sensitive filter to be insensitive, follow these steps:


Credit to Billy!

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