The property cannot be set for an undefined element in Jquery UI slider tabs

There seems to be some extra space at the bottom of the slider tabs between the navigators and content. Additionally, I am facing a challenge in making the page responsive as the content size does not adjust when I resize the window. To see the changes, I have to open a new window at the required size before opening the website. I am currently using the following code for the tabs below...


    var tabs = $("div#mySliderTabs").sliderTabs({
       autoplay: false,
       indicators: true,
       panelArrows: true,
       panelArrowsShowOnHover: false,
       tabsAnimSpeed: 800,


Thank you in advance for your help

Answer №1

Perhaps this will be beneficial

const initializeSlider = () => {
     autoplay: false,
     indicators: true,
     panelArrows: true,
     panelArrowsShowOnHover: false,
     tabsAnimSpeed: 800,

// Adjust slider on window resize
$(window).resize(function () {


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