Is there a method to give a webpage a subtle shimmering effect without utilizing CSS box-shadow?

Struggling to Develop a High-Performance Interface Feature

I'm currently facing a challenge in coding an interface that requires a subtle and broad glow effect, similar to the example provided below:

Exploration of Possible Solutions

After exploring options such as outer-glow, filter, and canvas techniques, I have yet to find a satisfactory and efficient solution:

  • outer-glow: Offers desired effect but severely impacts performance, especially with larger glows.

filters: While blur filters can be used, they do not replicate the glowing effect effectively. Implementing a duplicate DOM, blurring it, overlaying it on the original DOM with low opacity, and maintaining synchronization through JavaScript may lead to performance issues.

  • canvas: Drawing the DOM on a transparent canvas layer and applying blur is another option, but it involves complex processes like rendering all DOM elements as SVG and ensuring synchronization between the two versions.

Seeking Advice

At this point, I am at a loss for solutions. Is there a way to achieve the glow effect on my interface while maintaining optimal performance?

I am open to any creative suggestions or alternative methods that could help me implement the desired glow effect efficiently within a web application environment.

Answer №1

While this route may not have been your original intention, it could still yield the desired outcome you seek. Although updating the design will be necessary, this approach is likely to provide optimal performance.

Revamping the Design
Instead of diving into coding, consider tackling the issue from a design perspective. Identify the final colors needed for your elements and make corresponding adjustments to your CSS. It may also involve tweaking some images to align with the new design scheme.

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