What is the process for adjusting the width of an element using JavaScript?

I have a unique bar with one half red and the other green. I am trying to subtract 1vw from the width of the red section.

Unfortunately, using style.width is not yielding the desired result.

See below for the code snippet I am currently using:

document.addEventListener("keydown", battle)
function battle(event){
   document.getElementById("ClickRed").style.width -= "1vw"


Answer №1

By utilizing the properties offsetWidth and offsetHeight, you can determine the total dimensions that an element occupies within the Document Object Model (DOM). For further information, refer to this link.

In addressing your specific scenario, I personally suggest working with pixels rather than viewport width and height since offsetWidth and offsetHeight yield values in pixels as opposed to vw and vh.

If the width and height are designated in pixels, the following approach may be employed:-

rb.style.width = `${rb.offsetWidth - 100}px`

Answer №2

Here is a suggestion:

Consider using the following code snippet:
document.getElementById("ClickRed").style.width=(parseFloat(document.getElementById("ClickRed").style.width) - 1) + "vw";

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