Using an onClick event along with jQuery to change the CSS class style of another div

After searching extensively without success, I decided to register and ask my first question here. Hopefully, someone can provide a solution:

My goal is to create a set of five buttons (divs) with onClick events that will show five different divs. I've managed to make it work using inline code for each button, but I'm looking to streamline this by creating an external function that simply sets the clicked div (which will display a yellow border) and the div that should be shown.

The structure of the code I'm attempting to write is as follows:


<div id="button1" class="button" onClick="choose(this,'c1')"></div>
<div id="button2" class="button" onClick="choose(this,'c2')"></div>
<div id="button3" class="button" onClick="choose(this,'c3')"></div>
<div id="button4" class="button" onClick="choose(this,'c4')"></div>
<div id="button5" class="button" onClick="choose(this,'c5')"></div>
<div class="c1"></div>
<div class="c2"></div>
<div class="c3"></div>
<div class="c4"></div>
<div class="c5"></div>


function choose(button,card) {
$( "#button1" ).css("border-color", "#F1F1F1");
$( "#button2" ).css("border-color", "#F1F1F1");
$( "#button3" ).css("border-color", "#F1F1F1");
$( "#button4" ).css("border-color", "#F1F1F1");
$( "#button5" ).css("border-color", "#F1F1F1");
$( "div.c1" ).hide();
$( "div.c2" ).hide();
$( "div.c3" ).hide();
$( "div.c4" ).hide();
$( "div.c5" ).hide();
$( button ).css("border-color", "#FFCC00");
$( div.card ).show();

The part where the border color changes upon clicking works well, but I'm struggling to figure out how to dynamically pass the class name of the div that should be displayed into the jQuery function, which should be one of c1, c2, c3, c4, or c5. Can anyone provide assistance with this?

A big thanks to @Roko C. Buljan for providing the best overall solution

Answer №1

One possible approach could be:

$("." + card).display();

Answer №2

What about simplifying your code to just include the following:

<div id="button1" class="button"></div>
<div id="button2" class="button"></div>
<div id="button3" class="button"></div>
<div id="button4" class="button"></div>
<div id="button5" class="button"></div>
<div class="c1"></div>
<div class="c2"></div>
<div class="c3"></div>
<div class="c4"></div>
<div class="c5"></div>

Additionally, you can simplify the functionality with this script:

     $('.button').css("border-color", "#F1F1F1");
     $( this ).css("border-color", "#FFCC00");
     var n ='n')[1];
     $('.c'+ n).show();

If you want to extract the number from the clicked ID element, you can use the following line of code:

var n =\d+/g);

Check out a live demo for reference.

Answer №3

Here is an example of how you can achieve a similar result:

<div id="button1" class="button"></div>
<div id="button2" class="button"></div>
<div id="button3" class="button"></div>
<div id="button4" class="button"></div>
<div id="button5" class="button"></div>
<div class="c button1"></div>
<div class="c button2"></div>
<div class="c button3"></div>
<div class="c button4"></div>
<div class="c button5"></div>

You can use this Javascript to make it work:

  $(".button").css("border-color", "#F1F1F1");
  $( this ).css("border-color", "#FFCC00");
  $( "." ).show();

Answer №4

Wouldn't it be better to code it like this?


<form id="buttons">
    <div id="btn1" style="background-color:#F1F1F1">Button 1</div>
    <div id="btn2" style="background-color:#F1F1F1">Button 2</div>
    <div id="btn3" style="background-color:#F1F1F1">Button 3</div>
     <div id="btn4" style="background-color:#F1F1F1">Button 4</div>
    <div id="btn5" style="background-color:#F1F1F1">Button 5</div>
<form id="array">
    <div class="btn1">btn1</div>
    <div class="btn2">btn2</div>
    <div class="btn3">btn3</div>
    <div class="btn4">btn4</div>
    <div class="btn5">btn5</div>

JavaScript (w/JQuery)

$('#buttons div').click(function () {
    var btnID = $(this).attr('id');
    $('.' + btnID).hide();

Check out the Jsfiddle demo here!

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