Conceal a Component within an Embedded Frame

Hey there! I've been attempting to hide a header within an iframe, but it seems like my code isn't doing the trick. Could someone take a look and help me diagnose why the header is still visible? Thanks in advance!

<iframe id="booking_iframe" src="" width="100%" height="1500px" frameborder="0" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
$('#booking_iframe').load(function() {

Answer №1

Use the measuring tools available in FF developer edition to find the height of the header. Chrome may also have a similar feature.

To do this, right click > inspect element > small ruler icon in the top right corner. Next, place your Iframe within another div with overflow:hidden; specified in your css. Then, adjust the Css value on the Iframe using


This method may be considered a bit unconventional, but it appears to be the best solution for an external URL like this.

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