Toggle element visibility upon clicking

<table id="selectsupp">
      <select id="category">
        <option value="display" readonly="true">-Shop By Category-</option>
        <option value="all">All</option>
        <option value="preworkout">Pre Workout</option>
        <option value="protein">Protein</option>
        <option value="mass">Mass Gainer</option>
        <option value="bcaa">BCAA</option>
      <select id="company">
        <option value="display" readonly="true">-Shop By Company-</option>
        <option value="all">All</option>
        <option value="on">Optimum Nutrition</option>
        <option value="mts">MTS</option>
        <option value="mutant">Mutant Nutrition</option>
        <option value="allmax">All Max</option>
      <input type="submit" id="submit" name="search" value="Search" onclick="find()"/>

  function find(){
    var category = document.getElementById('category');
    var valueOfCategory = category.options[category.selectedIndex].value;
    var company = document.getElementById('company');
    var valueOfCompany = company.options[company.selectedIndex].value;

    if (valueOfCategory === "all" && valueOfCompany === "all") {
      document.getElementsByTagName("select")[0].style.visibility = "hidden";
      document.getElementsByTagName("select")[1].style.visibility = "hidden";
      //display all suggested items

Hello there! I am facing an issue with hiding the select tag elements when submitting a form. I have tried setting their visibility to "hidden" but it seems that it's not working as expected. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

There are two issues present:

alert "hello";

It should be:


Additionally, there is a missing } at the end of the function. The closing script tag is also not visible.

Answer №2

It is crucial to always check your browser's debug console when encountering issues with your code. By doing so, you can easily spot syntax errors and resolve them promptly:

alert "world";

Corrected version:


Remember, the debug console should be the PRIMARY tool you turn to when facing problems on a website.

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