Struggling with removing the unattractive left border on my Tumblr page

I am currently working on the website

To see the source code, please use Google Chrome's feature to view the source since I cannot provide the HTML or CSS directly here. The site is not my own creation, and I did not develop it from scratch. Take a look at the profile picture in the top right corner, as well as any other images on the page. You'll notice a 1px left border (the profile picture has a margin associated with it, while the others do not). This border needs to be removed.

The CSS file that was given to me for the site does not seem to contain anything causing this issue. I have attempted to delete all instances of "border" and "border-left" in the CSS, but nothing has made a difference. The only workaround I found was to remove the surrounding div element for the images (which is named .img_container). A possible solution could involve using jQuery to dynamically remove all img_container divs upon loading, but I would prefer to find a CSS-based fix for this problem instead.

If anyone has suggestions or ideas, I would greatly appreciate any help.

Answer №1

Remember this important guideline:

.image_box::after { 
    background-color: transparent;

Make sure to eliminate the background color mentioned above.

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