Changing the CSS background in React when updates occur

Currently working on toggling the CSS background image within this React application. The images have been successfully imported and a variable called "image" is set to the imported image as the iteration increases/decreases with each click.

The issue I'm encountering is that the body background image does not update accordingly. My understanding was that the background image should refresh in the componentDidUpdate method, as the iterative buttons toggle setState which triggers a re-render.

import Background1 from "../images/bg/1.png";
import Background2 from "../images/bg/3.png";
import Background3 from "../images/bg/4.png";

class UserPreferences extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      backgroundNumber: 1

  buttonNumberCalcPlus = () => {
    this.setState({ backgroundNumber: ++this.state.backgroundNumber });

  buttonNumberCalcMinus = () => {
    this.setState({ backgroundNumber: --this.state.backgroundNumber });

  componentDidUpdate() {
    var currentBackground = "Background" + this.state.backgroundNumber;

    var image;

    if (this.state.backgroundNumber == 1) {
      image = Background1;
    } else if (this.state.backgroundNumber == 2) {
      image = Background2;
    } else {
      image = Background3;

    var mainBg = {
      backgroundImage: "url( " + { image } + ")"
    console.log(mainBg); = { mainBg };

  render() {
    return (
        <MainMenuToolbar />
        <h2 className="texttimezonepref">Update background image.</h2>

Questioning whether this approach to changing the background in componentDidUpdate is correct:

var mainBg = {
  backgroundImage: "url( " + { image } + ")"
}; = { mainBg };

Answer №1

Using in JSX is incorrect as it does not support the syntax = {{ backgroundImage: "url( " + { image } + ")"}}

The correct method would be to apply your style changes directly to the target, like this: = url(image)

Answer №2

Instead of utilizing the style property to assign an object, it is recommended to use style.background. This adjustment is necessary because the style object is not a standard plain object but a CSSStyleDeclaration. For more information on this topic, you can refer to the documentation on MDN.

When it comes to accessing the document, while the current method may work, I suggest using react-helmet, which offers a more organized approach for updating the document.

Answer №3

Is it appropriate to modify the background in componentDidUpdate using this method?

Actually, no.

The entire document's structure isn't the only one that can utilize the full viewport, and adjusting the body of the document excessively is not advisable. Most often, your app resides within a <div id="#root">, so you should alter the style property of your root div rather than the body itself.

By manipulating document.body, you are essentially bypassing React by directly attempting to make changes to the DOM node. This should only be done through the use of refs.

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