Having trouble printing webpages? Need a useful tutorial on how to print web pages created using jQuery UI, jqGrid, and Zend?

I have been tasked with printing web pages of a website that utilize jqgrid, Jquery calendar, various Jquery UI components, and background images. The server side is built with Zend Framework.

Although I lack experience in web page printing, this has become part of my job responsibilities.

I am seeking:

  1. Reputable tutorials or books to help me understand the intricacies of this issue (specifically regarding background images) as I have dedicated time to study it thoroughly.

  2. Practical guidance on how to effectively print web pages that use Jquery, Jquery UI, and jqgrid components (aware of potential compatibility issues between Jquery UI and YUI).

Many thanks to the helpful individuals who contribute to this community,

Answer №1

When facing printing issues, one effective solution is to pay attention to the media attribute in your stylesheet declaration. You can specify

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="..." />

You can use media="all" for content that should be displayed on both screen and printer, limit certain elements to screen-only display, or ensure specific items are visible only when printing. For instance, with jQuery UI, you might want to print just a selected tab or accordion section, while excluding hidden divs like div.loadingui. This can be achieved through CSS like this:

<style  type="text/css" media="screen">
    #printableButNotVisible { display:none }
<style type="text/css" media="print">
    #accordion h3, #vcol, div.loadingui, div.ui-tabs-hide,
               ul.ui-tabs-nav li, td.HeaderRight { display:none }
    #printableButNotVisible { display:block }

This is just a basic example, but it illustrates the concept. Additionally, you can dynamically generate and switch CSS stylesheets within your HTML document (refer to http://docs.jquery.com/Tutorials:5_Quick_jQuery_Tips#Switch_A_Stylesheet).

Removing menus from printed pages can also be beneficial, although the specific approach will depend on the type of menus implemented on your site.

If anyone has recommendations for optimizing CSS for printing with jQuery UI or jqGrid, I would be eager to learn more about those strategies as well.

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