CSS-only countdown animation

I've been experimenting with a pure HTML/CSS countdown animation, but I'm facing challenges in getting it to run smoothly. Currently, I'm focusing on minutes and seconds only. One issue I encountered is that the digit representing tens of minutes is not transitioning synchronously with the other digits.

Below you'll find my code along with two CodePens - one showcasing the normal version with correct timings for regular behavior, and another running ten times faster so you can quickly identify the discrepancy.

@keyframes tick6 {
        0%      { margin-top: 0; }
        16%     { margin-top: -2rem;  }
        33%     { margin-top: -4rem;  }
        50%     { margin-top: -6rem;  }
        66%     { margin-top: -8rem;  }
        83%     { margin-top: -10rem;  }
        100%    { margin-top: -12rem;  }

    @keyframes tick10 {
        0%      { margin-top: 0; }
        10%     { margin-top: -2rem;  }
        20%     { margin-top: -4rem;  }
        30%     { margin-top: -6rem;  }
        40%     { margin-top: -8rem;  }
        50%     { margin-top: -10rem;  }
        60%     { margin-top: -12rem;  }
        70%     { margin-top: -14rem;  }
        80%     { margin-top: -16rem;  }
        90%     { margin-top: -18rem;  }
        100%    { margin-top: -20rem;  }
body {
  background-color: black;

.container {
  background-color: white;

.digit {
  display: inline-block;
  height: 2rem;
  overflow: hidden;
  width: 1ch;

.digit span {
  display: block;
  height: 2rem;
  width: 100%;

.minutes-digit-one {
  animation: tick6 3600s step-end;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-delay: -540s;

.minutes-digit-two {
  animation: tick10 600s step-end;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-delay: -540s;

.seconds-digit-one {
  animation: tick6 60s step-end;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-delay: -540s;

.seconds-digit-two {
  animation: tick10 10s;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  animation-delay: -540s;
<div class="container">
  <div class="digit">
    <span class="minutes-digit-one">5</span>
  <div class="digit">
    <span class="minutes-digit-two">9</span>
  <div class="digit">
  <div class="digit">
    <span class="seconds-digit-one">5</span>
  <div class="digit">
    <span class="seconds-digit-two">9</span>

Answer №1

The issue stems from the percentage values specified in the keyframes. Instead of using 16%, you should use 16.6667% (100/6) for greater precision and accuracy. The same applies to the other values.

When a duration of 360s or 3600s is used, the discrepancy between 16% and 16.6667% becomes more pronounced, leading to synchronization issues as the state changes prematurely. This may not be easily noticeable with a duration of 6s due to the shorter duration.

@keyframes tick6 {  
    0%          { margin-top: 0; }      /* 0*(100/6) */
    16.6667%    { margin-top: -2rem;  } /* 1*(100/6) */
    33.3333%    { margin-top: -4rem;  } /* 2*(100/6) */
    50%         { margin-top: -6rem;  } /* 3*(100/6) */
    66.6667%    { margin-top: -8rem;  } /* 4*(100/6) */
    83.3333%    { margin-top: -10rem; } /* 5*(100/6) */
    100%        { margin-top: -12rem; } /* 6*(100/6) */

@keyframes tick10 {
    0%      { margin-top: 0; }
    10%     { margin-top: -2rem;  }
    20%     { margin-top: -4rem;  }
    30%     { margin-top: -6rem;  }
    40%     { margin-top: -8rem;  }
    50%     { margin-top: -10rem;  }
    60%     { margin-top: -12rem;  }
    70%     { margin-top: -14rem;  }
    80%     { margin-top: -16rem;  }
    90%     { margin-top: -18rem;  }
    100%    { margin-top: -20rem;  }

body {
  background-color: black;

.container {
  background-color: white;

.digit {
  display: inline-block;
  height: 2rem;
  overflow: hidden;
  width: 1ch;

.digit span {
  display: block;
  height: 2rem;
  width: 100%;

.minutes-digit-one {
  animation: tick6 360s infinite step-end;
  /*animation-delay: -54s;*/

.minutes-digit-two {
  animation: tick10 60s infinite step-end;
  /*animation-delay: -54s;*/

.seconds-digit-one {
  animation: tick6 6s infinite step-end;
  /*animation-delay: -54s;*/

.seconds-digit-two {
  animation: tick10 1s infinite step-end;
<div class="container">
  <div class="digit">
    <span class="minutes-digit-one">5</span>
  <div class="digit">
    <span class="minutes-digit-two">9</span>
  <div class="digit">
  <div class="digit">
    <span class="seconds-digit-one">5</span>
  <div class="digit">
    <span class="seconds-digit-two">9</span>

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