Develop an XML document that includes CSS and DTD seamlessly incorporated

Could someone please provide me with a short code example of an XML file that includes both a DTD and CSS styles all in one file?

Just need one element as an example.

I'm new to XML and can't seem to find any examples with both XML and CSS combined in a single file.

Thank you

Also, I would like the CSS functions in the XML file to include:

element {

Answer №1

This response addresses the revised question by providing a solution that builds upon the previous answer. It involves using a specific stylesheet and element name, while also demonstrating how to use a data: URL to incorporate an external stylesheet. While this approach may seem unconventional, it fulfills the query and could cater to a particular requirement for a single-file solution.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href=
<!DOCTYPE demo [
<!ELEMENT demo (element)>
<!ELEMENT element (#PCDATA)>
<element>Hello world</element>

Note: The "#" character in the data: URL is represented as %23.

Answer №2

<?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes' ?>
<!DOCTYPE example [
<!ELEMENT example (format, content)>
<!ELEMENT format (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT content (#PCDATA)>
<example xmlns="">
<format>text { font-size: 12px }</format>
<content>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</content>

This situation is a bit complex because the xmlns attribute implies HTML rendering of tags, causing the browser to interpret the format element as containing a CSS style sheet. Ideally, XML tools that are not based on HTML should be used. In this scenario, the style sheet would be in an external file called mystyle.css, so you could simplify it by writing:

<?xml version="1.0" standalone='yes' ?>
<?xml-stylesheet type='text/css' href='mystyle.css'?>
<!DOCTYPE example [
<!ELEMENT example (content)>
<!ELEMENT content (#PCDATA)>
<content>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</content>

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