Utilize Selenium with Eclipse (Java) to validate the CSS table border style

I'm currently conducting a form test that involves leaving mandatory fields empty to verify if the field displays a red border indicating it needs to be filled before proceeding. Below is the code snippet I have implemented so far:

driver=new FirefoxDriver();

/** Test: Open page*/
driver.get ("URL with form");

/** The following checks for a text above the form specifying mandatory unfilled fields */
driver.findElement(By.id("nextbutton")).click(); /** leave all fields blank and click on next below form */
assertEquals("The following fields are mandatory", driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("p")).getText());
assertEquals("Field 1 is mandatory", driver.findElement(By.xpath("//form[@id='genericform']/div[2]/ul/li")).getText());
assertEquals("Field 2 is mandatory", driver.findElement(By.xpath("//form[@id='genericform']/div[2]/ul/li[2]")).getText());
assertEquals("Field 3 is mandatory", driver.findElement(By.xpath("//form[@id='genericform']/div[2]/ul/li[3]")).getText());

assertTrue(isElementPresent(By.id("Field1.Value"))); /** confirms the first mandatory field is present */

To further validate, I aim to assert that the mandatory field showcases a red border along with an icon, distinguishing it from non-mandatory fields that lack the same visual cues. https://i.sstatic.net/spbhw.jpg

border-color: #E04228; background: #FFF url("../img/icon-field-error.png") no-repeat scroll right center / 28px 22px;

The tools utilized for this test include Eclipse combined with Selenium webdriver.

Answer №1

Utilize the getCssValue() function to obtain CSS properties such as border-bottom-color, border-top-color, border-left-color, and border-right-color:

assertEquals("rgba(112, 180, 73)", element.getCssValue("border-left-color"));

It is important to note that border-color is calculated and cannot be accessed in this manner.

You can also convert the rgba value to HEX format for better legibility and usability.

In an alternative approach, you can simply verify if the input element contains both the error and input-validation-error classes:

assertEquals("block error input-validation-error", element.getAttribute("class"));

Answer №2

Appreciate your help, the latest update you provided did the trick. I made a slight modification, and now the code looks like this:

assertEquals("rgba(224, 66, 40, 1)", driver.findElement(By.id("frm-Voornaam.Value")).getCssValue("border-bottom-color"));

Adding [, 1] to the rgba values resolved the issue. Thanks a lot!

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