Is it possible for URLs in CSS Custom Properties to be relative to the CSS file where they are defined?

I have a CSS library with resources like images and fonts that can be accessed from anywhere via CDN. I am trying to create URLs for these resources as Custom CSS Properties, relative to the library.

<!-- https://my.server/index.html -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://my.cdn/a/lib.css">
<div style="background-image: var(--img)"></div>
/* https://my.cdn/a/lib.css */
@property --img {
  syntax: "<url>";
  initial-value: none;
  inherits: true;

:root {
  --img: url(./img.svg);
<!-- https://my.cdn/a/img.svg -->
<svg xmlns="">
  <!-- […] -->

The goal is to dynamically set the background-image URL of the div element without directly referencing it, since --img may point to different URLs at times. The URL should always be relative to the document (i.e. ) or even relative to the stylesheet using the CSS Custom Property. For example,

/* https://my.server/b/lib.css */
@import url("https://my.cdn/a/lib.css");
div {
  background-image: var(--img);

This would effectively link to .

One workaround involves creating CSS classes in a/lib.css that apply the CSS Custom Properties:

/* https://my.cdn/a/lib.css */
/* […] */
.img--background-image {
  background-image: var(--img);

To use this workaround, consumers simply apply the class to their HTML elements:

<!-- https://my.server/index.html -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://my.cdn/a/lib.css">
<div class="img--background-image"></div>

However, this approach has limitations in terms of flexibility and requires manual HTML adjustments.

In my previous attempt using @property when Chrome first implemented it, the URL resolution worked correctly. Unfortunately, this is no longer the case today.

Has anyone faced a similar challenge? How did you resolve it? Am I overlooking a simple solution?

Answer №1

An issue arises when the initial value for <url> is set to none, which is not valid. Chrome's console will point out this issue in the "Issues" tab, but it can be easily missed. In Safari, the error remains silent, however, in JavaScript, the error message is clear:

  name: "--img",
  syntax: "<url>",
  inherits: true,
  initialValue: "none",
// This code will throw an error in both Chrome and Safari (but with different messages)
// indicating that the initial value provided does not match the specified syntax.

When the property registration fails and a url() function is used, the URL is only resolved when the variable is actually utilized as a <url> in the user's stylesheet. The URL then becomes relative to their stylesheet.

If the property is registered correctly using a valid url() as the initial value, the URL would be resolved at the time of definition, relative to the stylesheet in which the definition was made.

For example, you could have set

@property --img {
  syntax: "<url>";
  initial-value: url();
  inherits: true;

The specifications include a complete example demonstrating this behavior:

Ps: For more information on a related issue, you may want to check out this GitHub thread.

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