Issue with QuickSand Script not displaying properly on Internet Explorer 7

My website features an edited version of Quicksand that displays correctly on Chrome, Opera, and Firefox, but runs into CSS issues on IE. Oddly enough, when I was using the static version, the CSS displayed properly even on IE until I added the Quicksand effect. Although all the animations work properly, it messes up the display on IE. You can check out the issue at this link: . Here is the Quicksand code snippet:


var items = $('.photo_show figure'),
    itemsByTags = {};

// Looping through all li items:

    var elem = $(this),
        tags ='tags').split(',');

    // Adding a data-id attribute required by the Quicksand plugin:


        value = $.trim(value);

        if(!(value in itemsByTags)){
            itemsByTags[value] = [];



createList('View All',items);


$('#gallery_menu nav a').live('click',function(e){
    var link = $(this);


    $('.photo_show').quicksand('list').find('figure'), function(){

adjustHeight = 'dynamic';


$('#gallery_menu nav a:first').click();

function createList(text,items){

    var figure = $('<figure>',{'class':'hidden'});



    var a = $('<a>',{
        html: text,
        data: {list:figure}
    }).appendTo('#gallery_menu nav');

Please visit the provided URL on IE 7 to see the issue for yourself. Additionally, I have included a screenshot showing how it appears on IE: . Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as I am new to jQuery and its plugins, and sometimes the syntax can confuse me.

Answer №1

The spacing between lines in the Body Section is too small, causing the stylized font text in the Gallery Pictures title section to be cut off.

To fix this issue, adjust the line-height value in your custom styleie.css file to:


Interestingly, Internet Explorer requires a larger line-height compared to standard CSS files. Make sure to also consider any parent elements that may be affecting these child elements.

UPDATE: It turns out that the line-height doesn't need adjustment. There was actually a typo on the same line:


Change it to:


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