How can I ensure that my jQuery code only executes after the mobile CSS has been loaded

When it comes to loading my mobile-only CSS, I typically use a media query similar to:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="only screen and (max-device-width: 480px)" href="/includes/css/mobile.css" />

However, in addition to these CSS modifications, I sometimes find the need to rearrange certain parts of the HTML. For example:


I prefer this reordering action to be performed only after the browser has successfully loaded the mobile.css file. One method I considered is adding a unique CSS value inside mobile.css and then checking its properties like so:

if($'#notVisible').css('color') == 'red') {

Do you know of a more effective way to accomplish this task?

Answer №1

I believe your approach is commendable.

However, a more practical solution would be to specify the width instead of the color.

if($'#notVisible').width() == '500px') {

You could also experiment with matchMedia.js

Check out this resource too: Using_media_queries_from_code

Answer №2

Consider implementing a similar approach to your media query

if (document.documentElement.clientWidth <= 480) {

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