Placing a table within a div causes the div to expand in width beyond 100%

A situation has arisen where a table with a large number of columns (30 columns) is being affected by the white-space:nowrap style set on each th tag, causing the parent div to stretch unnaturally. How can this issue be resolved and allow for a horizontal scroll within the div?

    .monthly_rental_payment_daily th {
        white-space: nowrap;

    .monthly_rental_payment_daily td {
        white-space: nowrap;
        <div style="width: 100%;" class="dashboardBox" id="dashboard-monthly-rental-payment">

        <div class="dashboardBoxTitle" id="dashboard-monthly-rental-payment-title">
            <span>Monthly Rental Payments</span>
        <div style="height:auto" class="dashboardBoxBody"

                class="monthly_rental_payment_daily tablesorter standardTable">
            <th style="text-align: left;padding-right: 15px">Location</th>

            <th class="left" style="padding-right: 15px">Total to be paid</th>

            [remaining HTML code]


Answer №1

Alright, Let's start by examining your most recent fiddle

The issue at hand is that the table is not adjusting its width based on the column size, but rather on the content within the columns. To resolve this, we need to prevent the table from stretching based on the column content.

We have a solution in mind - using the CSS property table-layout. What does setting table-layout:fixed accomplish? Refer to the explanation below.

The table's horizontal layout will be solely determined by the table's width and the set widths of the columns, disregarding the contents of each cell.

It's quite straightforward. Simply add table-layout:fixed to the outer table like so:

.outer_table {

View Updated DEMO

Answer №2

Based on the limited information provided, it sounds like you may need to add a specific width to your div element and set the overflow-x property to scroll in order to address the issue.

Answer №3

To prevent overflowing content in your div, consider using the CSS properties overflow: auto or overflow: scroll. Additionally, you can set the maximum width of the table container to 100% with max-width: 100%.

See a live example here:

Answer №4

To enable scrolling within your div, apply the CSS property overflow:auto. Check out this jsfiddle example for reference.

Answer №5

Include overflow-x:scroll in your CSS to enable horizontal scrolling on the content.

Check out the demo here

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