Tips for keeping two row headers in place on a table while scrolling:

Check out my fiddle here: It contains two td elements inside the thead.

thead th {
  position: -webkit-sticky; /* for Safari */
  position: sticky;
  top: 0;

The code above only makes the first row fixed. How can I make both td's in the thead sticky?

As shown in the image, currently only one row is fixed while the other remains in place.

Answer №1

They are overlapping because they both have a top:0 property set. To fix this, change the value of top for the second line.

div {
  max-height: 10em;
  overflow: scroll;

thead th {
  position: -webkit-sticky; /* for Safari */
  position: sticky;
  top: 0;

thead tr:nth-child(2) th {
  top: 20px;


Answer №2

Essentially, both instances of th become fixed in position when they reach the top boundary of their container. As the first th is already at the top, the second one sticks beneath it upon reaching the same point.

Could you provide more detail on your intended outcome?

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