The relationship between formatting context and atomic inline-level boxes is crucial for understanding

Check out this link for more information on inline boxes

An inline box is a unique element that falls under the category of both inline-level and participates in its containing inline formatting context. When a non-replaced element has a 'display' value set to 'inline', it generates an inline box. Other types of inline-level boxes, such as replaced elements, inline-block elements, and inline-table elements are referred to as atomic inline-level boxes because they behave as a single opaque box within their inline formatting context.

So, does this mean that an inline-level atomic box creates a layout different from the typical inline formatting context? For example, using inline-flex would generate a flex layout instead?

I'm still trying to grasp this concept fully, hence my question. Can someone clarify this for me?

Answer №1

Let's delve into a few key points here.

First of all, it's important to note that not every atomic inline-level box creates a formatting context for its contents. Replaced inline-level elements like images, canvases, and videos are exceptions to this rule.

Additionally, while atomic inline-level boxes typically generate an independent formatting context for their content, the paragraph you referenced may not explicitly convey this information. This behavior mainly pertains to how these boxes impact line-box height and their non-fragmentable nature. The specifics of what transpires within these opaque boxes are defined elsewhere.

Lastly, it's interesting to highlight that non-atomic inline-level boxes can also establish formatting contexts, although they may not be entirely separate. A good example is the display: ruby, which sets up a ruby formatting context.

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