Navigate to the middle of a DIV container in Angular 7

Is there a way to programmatically scroll to the center of my element on both the Y and X axes when a specific function is executed? My HTML structure includes the following (I am aiming to scroll to the middle of #viewport):

      <div #viewport class="document-view-port">
          <div #viewBox></div>

In my TypeScript file, I have imported the elements in this manner (attempting to determine the Y center):

  @ViewChild('viewBox') viewBox: ElementRef;
  @ViewChild('viewport') viewport: ElementRef; 

Here are the latest methods I have tried to calculate the center point for scrolling:

  zoomIn() {
    const elementRect = this.viewport.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
    const absoluteElementTop = + window.pageYOffset;
    const middle = absoluteElementTop - (elementRect.height / 2);  
    this.viewport.nativeElement.scrollTo(0, middle)

I am encountering issues with achieving this functionality. Any guidance or assistance would be greatly appreciated.


The scrollIntoView() method does not yield the desired result in my code. I am looking for a solution to identify these coordinates and implement the scroll without relying on any pre-defined functions.

Answer №1

To successfully achieve the scroll, utilize window.scrollTo(x, y).

enlargeView() {
    const elementRectangle = this.viewport.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
    const absoluteTopPosition = + window.pageYOffset;
    const middlePosition = absoluteTopPosition - (elementRectangle.height / 2);  
    window.scrollTo(0, middlePosition); // ensure you have a reference to the window object in your component

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