Styling text in table cells using only CSS, without the use of scripting, based on the values within those cells

I have scoured the forum and came across several older threads that suggest it is not achievable with just CSS (the system I am utilizing does not support scripts). Is there a possibility that this has changed or if someone else has an alternative idea?

Within the table below, my goal is to apply the colors Green and Red to their corresponding cells.

<td style="color: green">Green</td>
<td style="color: red">Red</td>

All of the examples I have encountered so far involve some form of script ... which is not useful in my situation.

Any suggestions?

Answer №1

Unfortunately, the current system does not support this functionality, and the probability of it being implemented in the future is low. Have you considered assigning unique classes to each element for color differentiation instead?

Answer №2

Even though this question was asked a while back, it still ranks high in Google search results. So for anyone who comes across this page, here is my solution:

All you have to do is use the

'<td class="complete">Complete</td>'

instead of

'<td class="green">Complete</td>'
and then customize your "complete" class accordingly.

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