Balancing heights with jQuery

Is there a way to set the height of an h3 element based on the tallest version of its siblings, but only for certain elements?

I have a list where CSS organizes items into rows of 3. The last li element in each row has the class "endRow". I want to find these "endRow" elements, then use jQuery's each() function to go back two elements and compare the heights of the h3 elements. Can anyone suggest a relatively simple approach to achieve this?


Update Here is a sample of the HTML markup. The goal is to make the h3 elements within each row equal in height.

    <a href="#"><img src="images/x.jpg" alt=""></a>

    <h3><a href="#">Item 1</a></h3>

    <div class="productOptions">

        <p>More info</p>

        <p>Even more info</p>
    <a href="#"><img src="images/x.jpg" alt=""></a>

    <h3><a href="#">Item 2</a></h3>

    <div class="productOptions">

        <p>More info</p>

        <p>Even more info</p>
<li class="endrow">
    <a href="#"><img src="images/x.jpg" alt=""></a>

    <h3><a href="#">Item 3</a></h3>

    <div class="productOptions">

        <p>More info</p>

        <p>Even more info</p>
    <a href="#"><img src="images/x.jpg" alt=""></a>

    <h3><a href="#">Item 1</a></h3>

    <div class="productOptions">

        <p>More info</p>

        <p>Even more info</p>
    <a href="#"><img src="images/x.jpg" alt=""></a>

    <h3><a href="#">Item 1</a></h3>

    <div class="productOptions">

        <p>More info</p>

        <p>Even more info</p>
<li class="endrow">
    <a href="#"><img src="images/x.jpg" alt=""></a>

    <h3><a href="#">Item 1</a></h3>

    <div class="productOptions">

        <p>More info</p>

        <p>Even more info</p>

Answer №1

The example provided in the jQuery documentation for the .map() function demonstrates an effective method for equalizing heights:

$.fn.equalizeHeights = function(){
 return this.height( Math.max.apply(this, $(this).map(function(i,e){ return $(e).height() }).get() ))

Answer №2

To determine the vertical size of an element, you can use the following method:

const height = document.querySelector('element').clientHeight;

Answer №3

Check out this amazing jQuery tool I found:

This can help solve a variety of issues, from intricate to straightforward.

Answer №4

To better understand your request, it would be helpful to see a sample markup of what you're working with. Initially, I assumed it was something like this:

<li class="endRow">

If the goal is to adjust the height of each <h3> based on the tallest preceding <li>, jQuery's prevUntil may be useful. Here's an example approach:

var h=0;
       if ($(this).attr('offsetHeight')>h) {
          h = $(this).attr('offsetHeight');
       if ($(this).prev().nodeName == 'H3') {

This code snippet is just a rough concept and should be tailored to fit your specific markup.

Alternatively, if you have multiple columns like:

<li>                 <li>                  <li>
<li>                 <li>                  <li>
<li class="endRow">  <li class="endRow">   <li class="endRow">

You can utilize the nth child selector to handle each column individually. Here's a potential solution:

var h=0;
$('h3 ul').each(function(){
    var first = $(this + "li:nth-child(0)").attr('offsetHeight');
    var second = $(this + "li:nth-child(1)").attr('offsetHeight');
    var third = $(this + "li:nth-child(2)").attr('offsetHeight');
    // Perform necessary operations using the heights
    // Assuming this refers to ul and prev element is h3

Answer №5

If you're looking to adjust the heights of elements in a container, try out this custom function I created some time back.

Simply provide the main container element, specify the target item element, and it will calculate the tallest height among them to set for the container. Optionally, you can also adjust the inner elements within the container.

How To Use:

adjustContainerHeights('ul', 'li', 20,true,'li');

The Custom Function:

function adjustContainerHeights(containerDiv, targetElement, paddingValue, adjustInnerContainers, innerContainer) {
    $(function () {
        var maxHeight = 0;
        var containerHeight = 0;
        $.each($(containerDiv).find(targetElement), function (index, elem) {
            maxHeight = $(elem).height() + paddingValue;
            if (maxHeight >= containerHeight) {
                containerHeight = maxHeight;
        $(containerDiv).css('height', containerHeight + 'px');

        if (adjustInnerContainers)
            $(containerDiv).find(innerContainer).css('height', containerHeight + 'px');

Answer №6

For those looking to ensure equal height in a group of elements, consider implementing the following script. To apply equal height functionality, utilize the "AjaxHeight" class or modify it as needed.

function equalHeight(group) {
    tallest = 0;
    group.each(function() {
    thisHeight = $(this).height();
    if(thisHeight > tallest) {
    tallest = thisHeight;


    $(document).ready(function() {

Answer №7

Update: Here's a helpful function you can use to set equal heights for elements with any specified selector:

  function makeHeightsEqual(selector) {
    var newHeight;
    var colHeights = [];
    $(selector).css('height', '');// Reset heights first
      var singleCol = $(this).outerHeight();// Get the outer height of each element
      colHeights.push(singleCol);// Add the height to an array
      newHeight = Math.max.apply(Math,colHeights);// Find the tallest height in the array
    $(selector).css('height', newHeight+'px');// Set the tallest height to all elements


makeHeightsEqual('ul li h3');

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