When the CKEDITOR is set to fullPage mode, it cannot properly apply styles from an external stylesheet that is configured in the config.contentscss setting

To create a custom StyleSet in CKEditor using styles from an external stylesheet, I configured the settings as follows:

config.extraPlugins = 'stylesheetparser';
config.contentsCss = '/css/externalStyleSheet.css';
config.stylesSet = [ { name : window.parent.getResource('editor.style.normal'), element : 'span', attributes: { 'class': 'formatnormal' } }, { name : window.parent.getResource('editor.style.small'), element : 'span', attributes: { 'class': 'formatsmall' } }, { name : window.parent.getResource('editor.style.large'), element : 'span', attributes: { 'class': 'formatlarge' } }, { name : window.parent.getResource('editor.style.bold'), element : 'span', attributes: { 'class': 'formatbold' } }, { name : window.parent.getResource('editor.style.smallBold'), element : 'span', attributes: { 'class': 'formatsmallbold' } }, { name : window.parent.getResource('editor.style.largeBold'), element : 'span', attributes: { 'class': 'formatlargebold' } }, { name : window.parent.getResource('editor.style.red'), element : 'span', attributes: { 'class': 'formatred' } }, { name : window.parent.getResource('editor.style.code'), element : 'span', attributes: { 'class': 'formatcode' } }, ];
config.fullPage = true;
config.resize_enabled = false;
config.removePlugins = 'resize,autogrow,elementspath';

Desired Outcome The StyleSet should display a list of custom styles. When text is selected and a style is chosen from the drop-down menu, the selected style should be applied.

Actual Outcome The StyleSet shows the custom styles with the styles being applied to the labels themselves. However, when text is selected within the editor (inside an iframe) and a style is selected from the drop-down, the style is only applied to the "span" tag without the corresponding CSS present in the context of the iframe.

Additional Information With config.fullPage = false, there are no issues, likely because the editor is not within a separate iframe and has access to the CSS. The problem arises with config.fullPage = true, which is necessary for us to have a vertical scrollbar.

Browser: Chrome Version 66.0.3359.181

OS: Windows 10

CKEditor version: 4.9.2

Installed CKEditor plugins: none, other than the configuration mentioned above.

Answer №1

It is well-documented behavior:

contentsCss : String | Array The CSS file(s) that will style the editor content should match the CSS used on the target pages where the content will be displayed.

Note: The inline editor ignores this configuration value since it uses styles from the page CKEditor is embedded in. It is also ignored in full-page mode where developers have control over the HTML code of the page.

For more information, refer to the documentation and check out the SDK sample.

You can load the CSS directly into the webpage using CKEditor, similar to https://jsfiddle.net/z23qxw1y/

CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add('my_styles', [
    // Block-level styles.
      name: 'Blue Title',
      element: 'h2',
      styles: {
        color: 'Blue'
 CKEDITOR.config.stylesSet = 'my_styles';

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