At 400 pixels screen size, the buttons in the appBar component are spilling out

In my appBar component, I have three buttons that appear fine on large screens. However, when the screen size reaches 400px, they start stretching out of the appBar.

Here is how they look on large screens:

And this is how they appear at 400px:

I attempted to remove margins and paddings but it did not solve the issue.

Furthermore, there are no elements causing additional margins. What could be causing this problem?

I created a sandbox to demonstrate the issue:

Answer №1

I suggest incorporating a container element.

import Container from "@material-ui/core/Container";
. . . 
 <Button className={classes.button}>English</Button>
 <Button className={classes.button}>Sign up</Button>
 <Button className={classes.button}>Login</Button>

It appears to provide better organization. Do you believe this would be beneficial?

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