When I attempt to incorporate multiple sliders on a single page, I encounter difficulties in determining the accurate stopping position if the number of slides varies

I am having trouble setting the correct stop position for sliders with different numbers of slides on a page.

When I have the same number of slides in each slider, everything works fine.

However, I need to have a different number of slides in each slider...


    // thumbSlide
        var countSlider = $('.thumbSlide').length;
            // Declare variables
            var totalImages = $(".thumbSlide > li").length, 
                imageWidth = $(".thumbSlide > li:first").outerWidth(true),
                totalWidth = imageWidth * totalImages,
                visibleImages = Math.round($(".thumbSlide-wrap").width() / imageWidth),
                visibleWidth = visibleImages * imageWidth,
                stopPosition = (visibleWidth - totalWidth/countSlider);  
                var parentMove = $(this).parent().prev('.thumbSlide');
                if(parentMove.position().left < 0 && !$(".thumbSlide").is(":animated")){
                    parentMove.animate({left : "+=" + imageWidth + "px"});
                return false;
                var parentMove = $(this).parent().prev('.thumbSlide');
                if(parentMove.position().left > stopPosition && !$(".thumbSlide").is(":animated")){
                    parentMove.animate({left : "-=" + imageWidth + "px"});                  
                return false;


Check out the jsFiddle URL below:


Answer №1

Make sure you are iterating through all sliders correctly by using $('.myslider-wrapper').each(). Also, remember to replace $('.thumbSlide') with $('.thumbSlide', this) to target only the specific element within each wrapper.

Using $('.thumbSlide') will select all elements on the page with that class, whereas $('.thumbSlide', this) in the each callback will only select the element in the current wrapper being looped through.

Just a heads up - I updated your jsfiddle with the correct solution: http://jsfiddle.net/GLSqS/1/

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