Adjust the width of the table by utilizing the border-collapse property set to collapse

I am completely baffled by this situation. Whenever I adjust the border-width of a table (either dynamically with JavaScript or in Chrome Dev Tools) where border-collapse: collapse; is set, transitioning from a border width of 1px (#1) to a larger value (#2) and then back to 1px (#3), I encounter a visual defect. Despite #1 and #3 being the same, they appear differently. What could be causing this?


<table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 1px #ddd solid;">
                <a href="javascript:void(0);">Crazy Button</a>

Check out the working demo here

Answer №1

A creative hack to refresh the item visually: = 'hidden';
element.offsetHeight; = 'visible';

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