Invisible boundary line within the column

My task involves creating a table using div elements. The layout of the table includes two columns structured as follows:

<div class = "columnborder"><span>Some text for column 1</span></div>
<div><span>Some text for column 2</span></div>

To separate the columns with a vertical border, I applied a class 'columnborder' to the div representing a table cell as shown in the CSS code below:

  border-right: 1px black;

Initially, everything was working fine and I achieved the desired outcome of having a table with two columns separated by a vertical border. However, I encountered an issue when the text in the first column is empty, resulting in the absence of the span element. Here is the structure when the first column text is empty:

 <div class="columnborder"></div>
 <div><span>Some text for column 2</span></div>

Surprisingly, in this scenario, the border does not appear. This confuses me because I styled the div, not the span. How can I prevent this situation from occurring? What might be causing this unexpected behavior?

Answer №1

Update Your CSS Style:

According to SW4, your current statement is incorrect. The correct syntax should be as follows:

.columnborder{border-right:1px solid;}

Remember to properly close the div tags:

<div class="table">
    <div class="columnborder"></div> /* closing tag for div */
    <div><span>Additional content for column 2</span></div> /* closing tag for div */

Answer №2

One solution is using flexbox. This will ensure that the border always spans the table height, regardless of cell height. The reason for this is that flexbox items default to align-items: stretch (which stretches to fill the container).

.table {
  display: -webkit-flex;
  display: flex;
.table > div {
  -webkit-flex: 1;
  flex: 1;
  padding: 1em;
.table > div:first-of-type {
  border-right: thin solid red;
<div class="table">
    <span>Some text for column 1</span>
    <span>Some text for column 2</span>

Answer №3

Consider declaring the following:

.columnborder { display:table-cell; border-right:1px solid black; }

An empty div will have a height of 0, causing the border not to be displayed. To ensure visibility, you can also utilize the min-height: 1.5em; property to establish a minimum height for the empty div.

Answer №4

To simplify the problem, consider the following scenario:

div {
  width: 5em;
  border-right: solid 5px red;
<div class = "columnborder">something</div>
<div class = "columnborder"></div>

In this case, the second div does not have a right border.

I've specified a fixed width and used a thick red border for better understanding. These changes are not crucial to the issue at hand. However, setting border-right :1px black; won't work as expected because it defaults to none, unless overridden elsewhere in your CSS code.

By inspecting the elements with a browser's Developer Tools, you'll see that the height of the second div is zero, resulting in an invisible border due to lack of content.

There are various solutions available. You can utilize CSS table formatting to give the div a non-zero height or explicitly set the height. Alternatively, inserting dummy content like a no-break space can also create the necessary line box. Here are some examples:

div {
  width: 5em;
  border-right: solid 5px red;
<div class = "columnborder">something</div>
<div class = "columnborder" style="height: 1em"></div>
<div class = "columnborder">&nbsp;</div>

Answer №5

Make sure to close your div tags properly and check the overall structure of your HTML code.

See demo here

    <div class="column-border"><span>Content for column 1</span></div>
    <div><span>Content for column 2</span></div>


.column-border {
  border-right: 1px solid black;
  width: 160px;

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