How can I use jQuery to vertically align an element?

Here's my website:

Take a look here!

I have a menu on the left column that I want to center. Take a look at the image below for a better understanding of what I'm trying to achieve.

Here is the JavaScript code:

function centerContent()
    var container = $('#secondary');
    var content = $('#primary-sidebar');
    var logo=$('#secondary h1:first-child');
    content.css("margin-top", (container.height()-logo.height()-content.height())/2);

Could you please help me figure out why the menu is displaying too low? Is the calculation incorrect?

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

A helpful tip: Utilize $(window).height() to determine the height of the window and $(document).scrollTop() (the distance between the start of the document and the current scroll height) to find the middle position of the screen. Implement this code snippet:

var middlePosition = $(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height() / 2.0;

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